Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.

New Conference Added

07/10/2015 16:30

TAXATION OF FOREIGN DOMICILIARIES AND NON-UK RESIDENTS  After the Autumn Statement 2015  A Double-Silk All-Day Seminar at the Law Society December 17th 2015     “Including Draft Finance Bill 2016 to be published December 9th”   Speakers   Robert Venables Q.C. James Kessler Q.C. Rory Mullan Oliver Marre                Please see the conference section of the website […]

Full Conference Programme now Listed ‘Practical Tax Planning Oxford 2015’

19/04/2015 18:36

The conference has been updated: ‘Practical Tax Planning Oxford 2015’  the 33rd Annual Oxford Residential Seminar and Workshop. Wednesday September 30th to Friday 2nd October 2015. Merton College, Oxford. Please visit the conference section of the website for further details. FULL CONFERENCE PROGRAMME DETAILS UPDATED @25.7.15

New Conference Listed : ‘Tax Planning in Challenging Times’

16/04/2015 11:17

A New conference has been listed: ‘Tax Planning in Challenging Times’, an afternoon seminar on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at the Law Society’s Hall, Chancery Lane, London. Chair, Robert Venables Q.C. and other speakers Patrick Cannon and Oliver Marre. Please see the conference section of the website for full details.

Three New Articles Added to The EC Tax Journal at 27.3.15

27/03/2015 23:35

ECTJ Vol.15.16 The Role of the Institutions of the European Union in the Area of Direct Taxes  – Vasiliki Katranidou  – 27.3.15 ECTJ Vol.15.17 Felixstowe – is it a case for the CJEU?  –  Nerissa Pace  –  27.3.15 ECTJ Vol.15.18 The Nordea Bank Denmark Case  –  Caspar Bonnemaijer   –  27.3.15

A New Article has been Added to Volume 15 of the ECTJ @ 23.3.15

23/03/2015 09:30

A new article has been added to volume 15 of the ECTJ. Please visit the Reviews section of the website for further information. ECTJ Vol.15.15    The Tax Implications of the Proposed EU Directive on the Cross-Border Transfer of a Company’s Registered Office  (14th Company Law Directive) –  Anastasios Repakis  –  23.3.15

New Articles Added to The EC Tax Journal

03/03/2015 20:51

 3.3.15 New Articles have been added to Volume 15 of the ECTJ: ‘Seeking Answers from Europe: A Critical Analysis of the South Aftrican Exit Tax Regime’  –   Keith Tait   ‘The Taxation of Cross-Border profit Transfers and its Compatibility with European Law, with Particular Reference to Spain – Gloria Fernandez Arribas & Montserrat Hermosin Alvarez […]

New Forthcoming Conference for February 2015

04/12/2014 18:21

TAX PLANNING OFFSHORE AND FOR NON-UK RESIDENTS AND DOMICILIARIES  Post Fisher v HMRC and EU Commission v United Kingdom  A Two-Part Whole day seminar at the Law Society’s Hall Chancery Lane, London, Tuesday 10th February 2015, please see the Conference Section of the website for full details.