Asset Protection Trusts – 3rd Ed

Milton Grundy - 3rd Edition

ISBN: 1-870070-80-1

£90.00 + VAT


Topics Covered :
A number of offshore jurisdictions have introduced legislation protecting offshore trusts from attack by creditors in certain circumstances. The first edition of this book, published in 1990, considered the laws of the Cayman Islands, Cook Islands and Gibraltar.

This edition covers also the legislation of the Bahamas, Belize, Cyprus, Mauritius and the Turks & Caicos Islands. For this edition (published July 1993), the commentary on bankruptcy offences and conspiracy in relation to the establishment of Asset Protection Trusts has been greatly expanded especially as regards the United States.

This book sets out the relevant text of the new offshore legislation and explains its attractions, effect and limitations.

The book is aimed at the practitioner in planning to make use of this legislation and contains a chapter on drafting of suitable trusts and an outline precedent.

Given the huge increase in recent years in civil litigation, both in the U.S.A. And Europe, directed at professionals for negligence and malpractice and the consequent risk of financial ruin and bankruptcy for which insurance cover is either inadequate or over expensive, this book is topical and highly necessary reading.

The authors also discuss in the opening chapters the need for such trusts or other protective measures, the effects of bankruptcy and the reciprocal enforcement of bankruptcy in common law jurisdictions.

This book is technical yet written in language which is easy to follow and will therefore be of use to professionals, whether specialist or non-specialist in the offshore field, and to interested lay persons.

Publisher Details :
Published as a traditional hardback book by

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