Tax Planning With Trusts, A Practical Guide – 2001

Ralph Ray -

ISBN: 978-1-901614-10-7



Topics Covered :

Tax Planning with Trusts – A Practical Guide by Ralph Ray is the new comprehensive report that covers the use of trusts with reference to taxation and its mitigation.

Tax Planning with Trusts – A Practical Guide covers a wide field including the 3 most commonly used trusts for the family business person:

• Accumulation and Maintenance
• Interest in Possession
• Discretionary
– in life time situations and for will planning.

The Report gives practical examples of their respective uses and the applicable conditions, it demonstrates how trusts and trust situations can be particularly useful, flexible and varied in the areas of tax planning.

The Report also contains:

• Information on other commonly used trusts and their uses in tax terms, including trusts of business and agricultural assets, charitable, overseas, reversionary interests and protective trusts.
• A glossary of terms ensuring that you get all the detail you will need.
• Up-to-date details on relevant Finance Act 2000 issues and recent case law.
• Something for everyone, from the general practitioner to the specialist.

Tax Planning with Trusts – A Practical Guide is written by Ralph Ray, a practising solicitor and consultant with Wilsons Solicitors in Salisbury, one of the leading private client law firms in the South of England. Acknowledged as one of the most eminent solicitors in the personal tax field, he regularly lectures.

Tax Planning with Trusts S A Practical Guide is the essential addition to your library.

Publisher Details :
Published as a traditional hardback book by
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