Topics Covered :
• How do you "export" a trust?
• Can you get round section 37(1)(c) of the Trustee Act 1925?
• Do you need to change the proper law of the trust?
• How do you do that?
All interesting, and even difficult, questions for the estate planning and international trust adviser. But the English law on these potentially crucial questions is confused and fragmentary. In 1990 Key Haven published two monographs on related subjects by Paul Matthews: Emigrating Trusts and Changing the Proper Law of a Trust. These dealt with these very topics in the law of trusts, not dealt with elsewhere in such detail. These works have been out of print for some time, and the law, of course, has not stood still. Paul Matthews has been persuaded to produce a new edition of both monographs, but specially designed to dovetail into one another as a single work:
Trusts: Migration and Change of Proper Law
Any practitioner seriously interested in exporting UK resident trusts, or indeed concerned with trusts migrating between two or more jurisdictions, will need this book, both for its analysis and for its completeness.
Publisher Details :
Published as a traditional hardback book by
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