Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.

New Review Articles Added @ 27th June 2014

Written by on 27/06/2014 18:21

A New Volume 17 has been added to the CLPR:


‘The Charity Experience: Cases, Courts and Counsel’   –  Sir John Mummery



Three New Articles have been added to Volume 15 of the ECTJ:


‘An Analysis of the A Oy (C-123/11) Judgment ‘  –  Florent Maupaté


‘A ‘perfect storm’: Ruffler, C-544/07, Filipiak, C-314/08 and

Case K 18/06 Revisited as Poland is due to Celebrate its First

Decade in the European Union’  –  Iwona Golab


‘The ECJ Decision in Argenta: Balanced Allocation of Taxing

Powers and Belgian Notional Interest Deductions’  –  Sophie Arnoldy