Jersey Insolvency and Asset Tracking

Anthony Dessain - 3rd Edition

ISBN: 1-901614-28-X

£125.00 + VAT


Topics Covered :
Anthony Dessain & Michael Wilkins

Essential reading for lawyers, accountants,bankers, directors, fund managers, tax advisors, trustees, insolvency practitioners, administrators and regulators.

Jersey Insolvency and Asset Tracking formerly entitled “Jersey Insolvency Law in Practice.” The new name reflects the book’s new and expanded format.

Chapter 1 Background
Chapter 2 Claimants’ rights prior to insolvency procedures
Chapter 3 Officers’ and directors’ duties and liabilities
Chapter 4 Piercing the veil
Chapter 5 Insolvency procedures
Chapter 6 Cross-border insolvency
Chapter 7 Human rights
Chapter 8 Afterword
Special topics include a section on Guarantees subject to Jersey law.

Comments :
This book provides the only authoritative guide to claiming of assets or other relief, company winding up provisions and the unique insolvency procedures of desastre, degrevement, cession and remise de biens. It also deals with the cross-border and international implications.

This is an essential guide for

All Jersey bankers, directors, trustees and administrators
Professionals both within and outside Jersey dealing with or having claims against or defending Jersey companies, trusts, partnerships and individuals.
All those seeking to claim or protect assets located in Jersey
All those seeking information on assets, companies, trusts or individuals located in Jersey.
The 3rd edition has been updated and expanded and the new sections included on recovery of assets before and after insolvency, piercing the corporate veil and on the complexities of guarantees.

Written by acknowledged specialists in this field, it explains the background and enables the right questions to be asked. It highlights differences that need to be understood for full, effective and successful results.

Earlier editions have been cited with approval in judgments of the Royal Court of Jersey.