Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. ECTJ Vol.5.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  2. ECTJ Vol.5.1.1 How is EC Legislation Made? - Philip Bentley Q.C.
  3. ECTJ Vol.5.1.2 Principles of Equivalence and Effectiveness: What Community Law Requires of the National Law Applicable to Claims for Recovery of Unduly Paid Taxes - Dr Kirsten Borgsmidt
  4. ECTJ Vol.5.1.3 Abbey National - VAT on Costs When Transferring a Totality of Assets - Redmar A Wolf
  5. ECTJ Vol.5.1.4 OMYA UK Ltd v The Commissioners of Customs & Excise Refunds of Overpaid Customs Duties - Peter Young
  6. ECTJ Vol.5.1.5 Setting the Boundaries: The Scope of VAT Exemptions - Penny Hamilton
  7. ECTJ Vol.5.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  8. ECTJ Vol.5.2.1 An Overview of the State Aids Regime - Rhodri Thompson
  9. ECTJ Vol.5.2.2 Unlawful State Aid: What is it and What are its Legal Consequences - Christopher Vajda Q.C.
  10. ECTJ Vol.5.2.3 Anti-Competitive Tax Breaks: How to Attack them Under the State Aid Rules - James Flynn
  11. ECTJ Vol.5.2.4 State Aid and the Primarolo List - Alex Easson
  12. ECTJ Vol.5.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  13. ECTJ Vol.5.3.1 VAT and the Telecoms Industry - A UK Perspective - Nicola Purcell
  14. ECTJ Vol.5.3.2 The Property Nature of Telecom Networks: A Turbulent Issue in the Netherlands - Lex de Kok
  15. ECTJ Vol.5.3.3 Lease Funding and VAT - The Dutch Approach - Redmar A Wolf
  16. ECTJ Vol.5.3.4 Banking Secrecy, Tax Investigations and the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters - Philip Bentley Q.C.
  17. ECTJ Vol.5.3.5 An Internal Market Without Tax Obstacles - Snapshot Or Blueprint? - Gary Richards
  18. ECTJ Vol.5.3.6 The Notion of Abus de Droit and its Potential Application In Fiscal Matters Within the EU Legal Order - Peter Harris
  19. ECTJ Vol.5.3.7 VAT: Deductibility of the Costs of Issuing New Shares - the 'Direct and Immediate Link' Tests - Christian Amand

ECTJ Vol.5

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 18:04