Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. ECTJ Vol.6.3.6 Book Review - Finnish International Taxation - Jonathan Schwarz
  2. ECTJ Vol.6.3.5 Directive 92/12/EEC and the Free Movement of Alcoholic Beverages - Scott Crosby
  3. ECTJ Vol.6.3.4 R. (Hoverspeed et al.) v Commissioners of Customs and Excise (2002) EWHC 1630 Admin - Rhodri Thompson Q.C.
  4. ECTJ Vol.6.3.3 The Consequence of Member States Favouring Home production - Jeremy White
  5. ECTJ Vol.6.3.2 Article 90 EC and the Principle of Non Discrimination - Scott Crosby and Nicholas Bridgland
  6. ECTJ Vol.6.3.1 Excise Duties and the Internal Market - Katherine Holmes
  7. ECTJ Vol.6.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  8. ECTJ Vol.6.2.8 Freedom of Establishment in the Direct Tax Jurisprudence of the European Court - A Review - Ga me d'Oreye de Lantremange
  9. ECTJ Vol.6.2.7 Holding Companies Put To The VAT Test - Yves Bernaerts
  10. ECTJ Vol.6.2.6 Claims for the Recovery of Unduly Paid Taxes: Empirical Domestic Cases Show That Progress is Required - Francisco de Sousa da Camara
  11. ECTJ Vol.6.2.5 Abuse of Rights in EC Law - Robert Venables Q.C.
  12. ECTJ Vol.6.2.4 Abus de Droit: Further Thoughts on the Cleansing of the Stables, and the Community Notion of Own Resources - Peter Harris
  13. ECTJ Vol.6.2.3 Outsourcing in the Financial Services Sector - The Key VAT issues - Peter Jenkins
  14. ECTJ Vol.6.2.2 The European Economic and Social Committee - Structure and Function - Kenneth Walker
  15. ECTJ Vol.6.2.1 Taxation and Employment in the European Union - Michel Vanden Abeele
  16. ECTJ Vol.6.2. Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  17. ECTJ Vol.6.1.6 Taxpayers and Fair Trial Rights - Richard Wilson
  18. ECTJ Vol.6.1.5 Intra-Europe Exchange of Direct Tax Information: The Directive on Mutual Assistance 25 Years On - Jonathan Schwarz
  19. ECTJ Vol.6.1.4 A Critical Assessment of the Proposed Directive on Taxation of Cross-Border Savings Income - Sideek Mohamed
  20. ECTJ Vol.6.1.3 Taking VAT Cases to the ECJ - David Milne Q.C.
  21. ECTJ Vol.6.1,2 Are Controlled Foreign Company Rules Compatible withthe Principle of Freedom of Movement of Capital within the EU? - Sascha Steingen
  22. ECTJ Vol.6.1.1 The Future of Value Added Tax in the European Union - Kenneth Walker
  23. ECTJ Vol.6.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

ECTJ Vol.6.3.2 Article 90 EC and the Principle of Non Discrimination – Scott Crosby and Nicholas Bridgland

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 18:04

ECTJ Vol.6.3.2  Article 90 EC and the Principle of Non Discrimination  –  Scott Crosby and Nicholas Bridgland