Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. OITR Vol.9.3.8 other Key Haven Articles Relevant to offshore & International Tax
  2. OITR Vol.9.3.7 Major Changes to Irish Gift and Inheritance Tax - Eoin Kennelly
  3. OITR Vol.9.3.6 UK Finance BilI and Tax Planning for Offshore Trusts - Robert Venables Q.C.
  4. OITR Vol.9.3.5 The Holding Company - Another Visit - Milton Grundy
  5. OITR Vol.9.3.4 Taxable Remittances (2): ICTA 1988, Sections 739 to 745 - Stephen Brandon Q.C.
  6. OITR Vol.9.3.3 Taxable Remittances (1): A Plain Person's Guide to Law, Fact and Myth -Stephen Brandon Q.C.
  7. OITR Vol.9.3.2 Billingham v Cooper - Robert Argles
  8. OITR Vol.9.3.1 Taxing Times for English Settlors - Daniel Hochberg
  9. OITR Vol.9.3. Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  10. OITR Vol.9.2.8 Other Key Haven Articles Relevant to Offshore and International Tax
  11. OITR Vol.9.2.7 Money Laundering Initiative in Guernsey - Dr Raymond Ashton
  12. OITR Vol.9.2.6 When An Offshore Trust is Not Tax Avoidance - Robert Venables Q.C.
  13. OITR Vol.9.2.5 The Offshore Trust - Milton Grundy
  14. OITR Vol.9.2.4 United Kingdom Mini-Budget Anti-Avoidance Measures - Robert Venables Q.C.
  15. OITR Vol.9.2.3 ICTA Section 146 and Allen: Must the Client Throw in the Towel? - Stephen Brandon Q.C.
  16. OITR Vol.9.2.2. What is (and what is not) A Sham - James Kessler Q.C.
  17. OITR Vol.9.2.1 Purchase of Own Shares by Non-UK Incorporated Companies - Capital Or Income? - Alexander Pepper
  18. OITR Vol.9.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  19. OITR Vol.9.1.8 Other Key Haven Articles Relevant to Offshore and International Tax
  20. OITR Vol.9.1.7 A Comparison of the Laws of Bermuda and the Cayman Islands Relating to Managed Trust Companies - Alec R Anderson and Patrick G O'Hagan
  21. OITR Vol.9.1.6 Cooper V Billingham; Fisher V Edwards: A Welcome Victory for the Taxpayers - Amanda Hardy
  22. OITR Vol.9.1.5 R v Dimsey; R v Allen: A Cause for Concern - David Ewart
  23. OITR Vol.9.1.4 Tax Avoidance by Transfers of Assets Abroad: The Revenue View - Robert Venables Q.C.
  24. OITR Vol.9.1.3 Royalty Extraction Via UK Companies - Geoffrey Simpson
  25. OITR Vol.9.1.2 The Recent Case of: DTE Financial Services v Wilson - James Henderson
  26. OITR Vol.9.1.1 Attribution of Capital Gains of Non-UK Resident Companies - Robert Venables Q.C.
  27. OITR Vol.9.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

OITR Vol.9.1.2 The Recent Case of: DTE Financial Services v Wilson – James Henderson

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 18:34

OITR Vol.9.1.2  The Recent Case of: DTE Financial Services v Wilson  – James Henderson