Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. CLPR Vol.1.3.10 Small Charities: A new Minature Code - Anne-Marie Piper and Martin Palmer
  2. CLPR Vol.1.3.9 The Charities (Receiver and Manager) Regulations 1992
  3. CLPR Vol.1.3.8 Charities Act 1992: Dates when Sections and Regulations come into Force
  4. CLPR Vol.1.3.7 Report on the Association of Charity Lawyers
  5. CLPR Vol.1.3.6 Book Review by Jean Warburton: 'Charity Rediscovered' author Margaret Simey
  6. CLPR Vol.1.3.5 Control of Fund-raising for Charitable Institutions: The New Law – Part 11 - Peter Luxton
  7. CLPR Vol.1.3.4 Shared Ownership: A Charitable Option? - Sarah Hayes and Jennie Gubbins
  8. CLPR Vol.1.3.3 Exempt Charities - Judith Hill and Elizabeth Hackett
  9. CLPR Vol.1.3.2 Charitable Companies and the Charities Act 1992 - Jean Warburton
  10. CLPR Vol.1.3.1 Remuneration of Charity Trustees - Christopher McCall Q.C.
  11. CLPR Vol.1.3 Editorial - Contents
  12. CLPR Vol.1.2.15 Errata et Corrigenda
  13. CLPR Vol.1.2.14 Charities (Misleading Names) Regulations 1992
  14. CLPR Vol.1.2.13 Selected Articles on Charity Law in Other Journals
  15. CLPR Vol.1.2.12 Charities Act 1992: Dates when Sections come into Force
  16. CLPR Vol.1.2.11 Royal British Legion - Charity Commission Inquiry - Debra Morris
  17. CLPR Vol.1.2.10 Charity Commissioners Report for 1991
  18. CLPR Vol.1.2.9 Case Notes: Liverpool City Council v A-G Oldham Borough Council v A-G (CA)
  19. CLPR Vol.1.2.8 Control of Fund-raising for Charitable Institutions: The New Law - Part I - Peter Luxton
  20. CLPR Vol.1.2.7 The Charitable Status of Rifle Clubs: Out With a Bang? - Peter Clarke
  21. CLPR Vol.1.2.6 Preventing Abuse: Commissioners' Increased Powers - Elizabeth Cairns
  22. CLPR Vol.1.2.5 Urban Charity in Post-Reformation France - Peter Somerfield
  23. CLPR Vol.1.2.4 Charity Investments under Charities Act 1992 - Lee Sheridan
  24. CLPR Vol.1.2.3 Criminal & Other Sanctions under the Charities Act 1992 - Francesca Quint
  25. CLPR Vol.1.2.2 Article 7 of the Treaty of Rome: Fiscal Discrimination Between NGOs - Harry Kidd
  26. CLPR Vol.1.2.1 Religion as Charity: Some Reflections - Adrian Longley
  27. CLPR Vol.1.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  28. CLPR Vol.1.1.11 Book Reviews - Charity Fund-Raising & the Public Interest: An Anglo-American Legal Perspective Housing Associations & their Committees: A Guide to the Legal Framework
  29. CLPR Vol.1.1.10 Case Notes - Thomas v University of Bradford (No 2) - The End of a Saga? Oldham Borough Council v A-G
  30. CLPR Vol.1.1.9 Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations & Fiscal Inequality - Harry Kidd
  31. CLPR Vol.1.1.8 Practice & Procedure on Visitatorial Appeals - Hubert Picarda Q.C.
  32. CLPR Vol.1.1.7 Benefits for Covenants - James Kessler Q.C.
  33. CLPR Vol.1.1.6 Trusts for Sport after Guild v IRC - Debra Morris
  34. CLPR Vol.1.1.5 Public Charitable Collections: The New Regime - Peter Luxton
  35. CLPR Vol.1.1.4 Charity Land Transactions - Jean Warburton
  36. CLPR Vol.1.1.3 Charities Act 1992:. An Overview - Hubert Picarda Q.C.
  37. CLPR Vol.1.1.2 Charity in Roman Law: Roots and Parallels - Hubert Picarda Q.C.
  38. CLPR Vol.1.1.1 Definition of Charity: A Modest Proposal for a Bit of Divorce - Harry Kidd
  39. CLPR Vol.1.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

CLPR Vol.1.1.7 Benefits for Covenants – James Kessler Q.C.

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 17:33

CLPR Vol.1.1.7  Benefits for Covenants  –  James Kessler Q.C.