Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. ECTJ Vol.2.3.8 Book Reviews
  2. ECTJ Vol.2.3.7 Taxpayers' Fundamental Rights in Europe and Asia - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
  3. ECTJ Vol.2.3.6 Tax, Retrospective Legislation and the European Convention on Human Rights: Some Thoughts on National and Provincial Building Society v UK - Fay Lau
  4. ECTJ Vol.2.3.5 ARO Lease BV v Inspecteur Der Belastingdienst Grote Ondernemingen, Amsterdam - Stephen Coleclough
  5. ECTJ Vol.2.3.4 Upstream Attribution of Income and Gains and Double Tax Treaty Relief: Some Implications of the Bricom Decision - David L Hinds
  6. ECTJ Vol.2.3.3 Commentary on the SDC Case - Marc Dassesse
  7. ECTJ Vol.2.3.2 National Excise Duties and the Internal Market - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
  8. ECTJ Vol.2.3.1 The Commission's Work Programme for the Gradual Introduction of the New Common VAT System - Tino Eggermont
  9. ECTJ Vol.2.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  10. ECTJ Vol.2.2.5 Book Review
  11. ECTJ Vol.2.2.4 Futura Participations: Luxembourg Account Keeping Requirement Unlawful - Murray Clayson
  12. ECTJ Vol.2.2.3 Some Comments on the Deductibility of VAT - Henri Vandebergh
  13. ECTJ Vol.2.2.2 Anti-Avoidance Provisions in the EC Directives - Professor Dr Geerten M M Michielse
  14. ECTJ Vol.2.2.1 Tax Competition and Investment Incentives - Alex Easson
  15. ECTJ Vol.2.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  16. ECTJ Vol.2.1.6 Book Review Trusts Laws of the World: 'A Collection of Original Texts' - Maurizio Lupoi
  17. ECTJ Vol.2.1.5 Tax Obstacles to the Free Movement of Capital - Philip Bentley Q.C.
  18. ECTJ Vol.2.1.4 Taxable Persons and the "Private Life" of Companies - Paul Farmer
  19. ECTJ Vol.2.1.3 A First Reaction ta Asscher - Elizabeth Keeling
  20. ECTJ Vol.2.1.2 Who is the Recipient of a Supply for Value Added Tax Purposes? - Robert Venables Q.C.
  21. ECTJ Vol.2.1.1 A Common VAT System for the European Union - Peter Wilmott
  22. ECTJ Vol.2.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

ECTJ Vol.2.1.6 Book Review Trusts Laws of the World: ‘A Collection of Original Texts’ – Maurizio Lupoi

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 17:55

ECTJ Vol.2.1.6  Book Review Trusts Laws of the World: ‘A Collection of Original Texts’  –   Maurizio Lupoi