Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. CLPR Vol.2.3.8 Charity Law Unit
  2. CLPR Vol.2.3.7 Education Matters - Debra Morris
  3. CLPR Vol.2.3.6 The Charitable Trust in English, French and Mauritian Law - S Bhoushan Domah
  4. CLPR Vol.2.3.5 The Rationale for Charity Law - Francesca Quint
  5. CLPR Vol.2.3.4 Avoiding being Personal: Public Benefit and the Personal Nexus in Educational Trusts - Jeremy Callman
  6. CLPR Vol.2.3.3 Exporting Civil Society: Confessions of a ''Foreign legal Expert'' - E Blake Bromley
  7. CLPR Vol.2.3.2 CY-pres Application of Three Holloway Pictures - Lee Sheridan
  8. CLPR Vol.2.3.1 The Treaty of Rome and Competition in the Voluntary Sector - Harry Kidd
  9. CLPR Vol.2.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  10. CLPR Vol.2.2.9 Book Review
  11. CLPR Vol.2.2.8 Recent Charity Law Developments - Debra Morris
  12. CLPR Vol.2.2.7 Religious Observances and the Element of Public Benefit - Hubert Picarda Q.C.
  13. CLPR Vol.2.2.6 Is there Such a Thing as 'Charity' - Oliver Hyams
  14. CLPR Vol.2.2.5 The Trust Versus the Company under the Charities Act 1992 & 1993 - Judith Hill
  15. CLPR Vol.2.2.4 The UK Charity and Double Taxation Treaties - Robert Venables Q.C.
  16. CLPR Vol.2.2.3 How Big is Big? A Surprising Omission from the Charities Act 1992 - Christopher McCall Q.C.
  17. CLPR Vol.2.2.2 The Jurisdiction of the University Visitor: How Exclusive is Exclusive? - Peter M Smith
  18. CLPR Vol.2.2.1 The Charitable Status of Rifle Clubs: The Explosion Occurs - Peter Clarke
  19. CLPR Vol.2.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  20. CLPR Vol.2.1.10 Charities Act 1993: Tables of Destinations - Anne-Marie Piper
  21. CLPR Vol.2.1.9 Book Reviews: The Modern Law of Charities - The New Law - The Charities Act 1992
  22. CLPR Vol.2.1.8 Charities and Minibus Law - Alec Samuels
  23. CLPR Vol.2.1.7 The Charitable Company - A Further Insight - Malcolm Leatherdale
  24. CLPR Vol.2.1.6 Liabilities of Charity Trustees - Jean Dollimore
  25. CLPR Vol.2.1.5 Religious, Reformation, Remedial and Renaissance Philanthropy - E Blake Bromley
  26. CLPR Vol.2.1.4 Starting an Arts Charity in Florida: A Case History - Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
  27. CLPR Vol.2.1.3 Charity Lotteries Past & Present - Peter Luxton
  28. CLPR Vol.2.1.2 SORP: The Accountants' Perspective - Chris Parkinson
  29. CLPR Vol.2.1.1 Charitable Trusts Validation Act 1954: A Case for Reform - Lee Sheridan
  30. CLPR Vol.2.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

CLPR Vol.2.3.7 Education Matters – Debra Morris

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 17:40

CLPR Vol.2.3.7  Education Matters  –  Debra Morris