Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. ECTJ Vol.1.3.8 UK Tax and Foreign Controlled Companies - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
  2. ECTJ Vol.1.3.7 Analysis of Article 2(c) of the Parent Subsidiary Directive: Madeira Holding Companies and their Status under the Parent-Subsidiary Directive: Another View - Francisco de Sousa da C
  3. ECTJ Vol.1.3.6 Cross-Border Sales of Excise Goods in the European Community - Mark Baldwin
  4. ECTJ Vol.1.3.5 Schumacker and Wielockx Decisions: Changes in Danish Tax Laws - Christian Emmeluth
  5. ECTJ Vol.1.3.4 The Canary Special Zone ("ZEC") - Carlos Benitez
  6. ECTJ Vol.1.3.3 TIne Wielockx and the Svensson Judgments: "Fiscal Cohesion" with a Different Flavour? - Marc Dassesse
  7. ECTJ Vol.1.3.2 Regional Customs Duties and EC Law: The Lancry & Dodecanese Judgments - Marc Dassesse
  8. ECTJ Vol.1.3.1 Tax on Inheritances and Gifts in the Single Market: Proposals for Action - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
  9. ECTJ Vol.1.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  10. ECTJ Vol.1.2.5 Book Review
  11. ECTJ Vol.1.2.4 Madeira and Gibraltar Holding Companies and their Status under the Parent-Subsidiary Directive - Bart Rubbens
  12. ECTJ Vol.1.2.3 Some Observations on Finanzamt Koln-Altstadt v Roland Schumacker - Elizabeth Keeling
  13. ECTJ Vol.1.2.2 A Bridge over Muddled Waters - Marc Quaghebeur
  14. ECTJ Vol.1.2.1 EC Law and Direct Taxation - Some Thoughts on Recent Issues - Paul Farmer
  15. ECTJ Vol.1.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  16. ECTJ Vol.1.1.7 Intelligence Excise Duty on Tobacco Products Council Directive 92/12/EEC
  17. ECTJ Vol.1.1.6 An Overview of the New Italian Closed-End Funds - Tommaso Di Tanno
  18. ECTJ Vol.1.1.5 Notes on National Legislation Ireland - Tax Residence for Individuals - John Hickson
  19. ECTJ Vol.1.1.4 A Reappraisal of UK Holding Companies Following the Finance Act 1994 - David Hinds
  20. ECTJ Vol.1.1.3 Discrimination Against Individuals and Enterprises on Grounds of Nationality: Direct Taxation and the European Court of Justice - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
  21. ECTJ Vol.1.1.2 Tax Deductibility of Insurance Premiums: A Case of State Aid for Insurance Companies? - Marc Dassesse
  22. ECTJ Vol.1.1.1 Customs 2000: Taking European Customs Towards the 21st Century - Richard Condon
  23. ECTJ Vol.1.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

ECTJ Vol.1.2.5 Book Review

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 17:54