- ECTJ Vol.1.3.8 UK Tax and Foreign Controlled Companies - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
- ECTJ Vol.1.3.7 Analysis of Article 2(c) of the Parent Subsidiary Directive: Madeira Holding Companies and their Status under the Parent-Subsidiary Directive: Another View - Francisco de Sousa da C
- ECTJ Vol.1.3.6 Cross-Border Sales of Excise Goods in the European Community - Mark Baldwin
- ECTJ Vol.1.3.5 Schumacker and Wielockx Decisions: Changes in Danish Tax Laws - Christian Emmeluth
- ECTJ Vol.1.3.4 The Canary Special Zone ("ZEC") - Carlos Benitez
- ECTJ Vol.1.3.3 TIne Wielockx and the Svensson Judgments: "Fiscal Cohesion" with a Different Flavour? - Marc Dassesse
- ECTJ Vol.1.3.2 Regional Customs Duties and EC Law: The Lancry & Dodecanese Judgments - Marc Dassesse
- ECTJ Vol.1.3.1 Tax on Inheritances and Gifts in the Single Market: Proposals for Action - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
- ECTJ Vol.1.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
- ECTJ Vol.1.2.5 Book Review
- ECTJ Vol.1.2.4 Madeira and Gibraltar Holding Companies and their Status under the Parent-Subsidiary Directive - Bart Rubbens
- ECTJ Vol.1.2.3 Some Observations on Finanzamt Koln-Altstadt v Roland Schumacker - Elizabeth Keeling
- ECTJ Vol.1.2.2 A Bridge over Muddled Waters - Marc Quaghebeur
- ECTJ Vol.1.2.1 EC Law and Direct Taxation - Some Thoughts on Recent Issues - Paul Farmer
- ECTJ Vol.1.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
- ECTJ Vol.1.1.7 Intelligence Excise Duty on Tobacco Products Council Directive 92/12/EEC
- ECTJ Vol.1.1.6 An Overview of the New Italian Closed-End Funds - Tommaso Di Tanno
- ECTJ Vol.1.1.5 Notes on National Legislation Ireland - Tax Residence for Individuals - John Hickson
- ECTJ Vol.1.1.4 A Reappraisal of UK Holding Companies Following the Finance Act 1994 - David Hinds
- ECTJ Vol.1.1.3 Discrimination Against Individuals and Enterprises on Grounds of Nationality: Direct Taxation and the European Court of Justice - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
- ECTJ Vol.1.1.2 Tax Deductibility of Insurance Premiums: A Case of State Aid for Insurance Companies? - Marc Dassesse
- ECTJ Vol.1.1.1 Customs 2000: Taking European Customs Towards the 21st Century - Richard Condon
- ECTJ Vol.1.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
ECTJ Vol.1.3.6 Cross-Border Sales of Excise Goods in the European Community – Mark Baldwin
Written by developer on 03/09/2024 17:55
ECTJ Vol.1.3.6 Cross-Border Sales of Excise Goods in the European Community – Mark Baldwin