Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. OITR Vol.2.3.10 Letters to the Editors
  2. OITR Vol.2.3.9 Case Notes
  3. OITR Vol.2.3.8 Provision of Bounty to Pre-March 1991 Offshore Trusts - Stephen Arthur
  4. OITR Vol.2.3.7 Asset Protection Trusts in Guernsey - Andrew Havard
  5. OITR Vol.2.3.6 Guarantee Companies: Their Nature and Some Possibilities - Patrick Taylor
  6. OITR Vol.2.3.5 The British Virgin Islands: An Update - Noel Barton
  7. OITR Vol.2.3.4 A Note from the Consulting Editor - Robert Venables Q. C.
  8. OITR Vol.2.3.3 Remittances: "Actual Sums Received" - Richard Bramwell Q.C.
  9. OITR Vol.2.3.2 The British Islands and the EEC - Paul Egerton -Vernon
  10. OITR Vol.2.3.1 Spanish Inheritance and Gifts Tax - Jonathan Miller
  11. OITR Vol.2.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  12. OITR Vol.2.2.9 Letters to the Editors
  13. OITR Vol.2.2.8 Marshall v Kerr - Alastair S Hudson
  14. OITR Vol.2.2.7 Non-Resident Trusts A Revenue Setback - A Case Note - Robert Venables Q.C.
  15. OITR Vol.2.2.6 Spanish Property Tax(5% Impuesto Especial): The Regulations, Details and Commentary - Jonathan Miller
  16. OITR Vol.2.2.5 Inland Revenue Enforcement Powers in Relation to Offshore Jurisdictions - Nigel Eastaway
  17. OITR Vol.2.2.4 When is Remittance Not a Remittance? - Robert Venables Q.C.
  18. OITR Vol.2.2.3 Section 739: A Conventional Problem - Peter Vaines
  19. OITR Vol.2.2.2 The Immigration of Non-Resident Trusts with Losses - John Tallon
  20. OITR Vol.2.2.1 VAT: The Place of Supply of Services - Ann Humphrey & Richard Palmer
  21. OITR Vol. 2.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  22. OITR Vol.2.1.9 "Bailing-Out" Overseas Settlements:The Pitfalls of Lending a Hand: Finance Act 1991 Sch 16 Para 11(3) - Giles Goodfellow
  23. OITR Vol.2.1.8 The Interest Charge An Attempt to Show its Effect - John F Avery Jones
  24. OITR Vol.2.1.7 A Short Survey of Recent Developments in Trust Law in Offshore Jurisdictions -Dr Philip Baker Q.C.
  25. OITR Vol.2.1.6 Transfer of Assets Abroad - Part2 - robert Venables Q.C.
  26. OITR Vol.2.1.5 Capital Payments - Peter Vaines
  27. OITR Vol.2.1.4 Spanish Property Ownership The New 5% Tax - Jonathan Miller
  28. OITR Vol.2.1.3 The Offshore Settlor Provisions: Additions to Non-Qualifying Settlements - Robert Venables Q.C.
  29. OITR Vol.2.1.2 The Stable Door Ajar II - Robert Argles
  30. OITR Vol.2.1.1 Bermuda PurPose Trusts: A New Featuie of Offshore Trust Planning - Alec Anderson
  31. OITR Vol.2.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

OITR Vol.2.2.2 The Immigration of Non-Resident Trusts with Losses – John Tallon

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 18:24

OITR Vol.2.2.2  The Immigration of Non-Resident Trusts with Losses  –  John Tallon