Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. OITR Vol.4.3.8 Scope of the New US Conduit Financing Regulations & Their Impact on US Tax Treaties - Paul B Smith & Lee Crean
  2. OITR Vol.4.3.7 Are Expatriates Really that Expensive? - Gabriella Erdos & Robert M Stewart
  3. OITR Vol.4.3.6 The Liechtenstein Foundation & UK Tax Avoidance - Robert Venables Q.C.
  4. OITR Vol.4.3.5 Fiscal Residence of Individuals in Spain - Jonathan Miller
  5. OITR Vol.4.3.4 Duties and Responsibilities of Offshore Trustees - Peter Lawson
  6. OITR Vol.4.3.3 Malta: An Emerging Offshore Centre - Colin Rhead, Nigel Eastaway, Anton Chetcuti-Ganado and Mark Miggiani
  7. OITR Vol.4.3.2 An Inheritance Tax "Trap" for Settlors of Non-UK Resident Trusts - Robert Venables Q.C.
  8. OITR Vol.4.3.1 In Deference to Robert Venables QC: Yuill v Wilson Revisited - Leolin Price Q.C.
  9. OITR Vol.4.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  10. OITR Vol.4.2.10 Double Chinn - Kevin Prosser Q.C.
  11. OITR Vol.4.2.9 More Offshore Losses - Robert Argles
  12. OITR Vol.4.2.8 Death Duty - What's in a Name? - Louise Somerset
  13. OITR Vol.4.2.7 Double Taxation Treaties as a Defence to Taxes Act 1988 Sections 775-777 - Robert Venables Q.C.
  14. OITR Vol.4.2.6 Definition of a "Settlor" - Peter H Lawson
  15. OITR Vol.4.2.5 A Useful Home for European Intermediary Holding Companies - Patrick Hurd
  16. OITR Vol.4.2.4 Controlled Foreign Companies - The Finance Act 1994 Changes - Patricia Dugdale
  17. OITR Vol.4.2.3 UK/US Hybrid Entities - Paul B Smith
  18. OITR Vol.4.2.2. Reflections on R v IRC ex Parte Commerzbank AG - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
  19. OITR Vol.4.2.1 A Note On Gerolstein - Robert Venables Q.C.
  20. OITR Vol.4.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  21. OITR Vol.4.1.7 Letters to the Editors
  22. OITR Vol.4.1.6 Case Note Marshall v Kerr
  23. OITR Vol.4.1.5 Valuation of Unquoted Shares for Tax Purposes in Spain - Jonathan Miller
  24. OITR Vol.4.1.4 The Relevance of Foreign Succession Laws in Estate Planning - Dr David Hayton
  25. OITR Vol.4.1.3 The General Administration of a Trust - Richard Bramwell Q.C.
  26. OITR Vol.4.1.2 Single-Member and No-Member Companies and Trusts: Some Tax Avoidance Possibilities - Patrick Taylor
  27. OITR Vol.4.1.1 The UK Charity & Double Taxation Treaties - Robert Venables Q.C.
  28. OITR Vol.4.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

OITR Vol.4.3.1 In Deference to Robert Venables QC: Yuill v Wilson Revisited – Leolin Price Q.C.

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 18:28

OITR Vol.4.3.1  In Deference to Robert Venables QC: Yuill v Wilson Revisited  –  Leolin Price Q.C.