Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. OITR Vol.8.3.9 Other Key Haven Articles on Offshore and International Tax
  2. OITR Vol.8.3.8 A Note on Leon Sartin's 'Tax Recovery Claims by the Settlor' - Robert Venables Q.C.
  3. OITR Vol.8.3.7 A Note on Geoffrey Simpson's 'The Source of Interest: A Practical Hard Matter of Fact' - Robert Venables Q.C.
  4. OITR Vol.8.3.6 Where is an Interest in a Unit Trust Situated? - Robert Venables Q.C.
  5. OITR Vol.8.3.5 Musings on the OECD Report on Harmful Competition - Charles Cain
  6. OITR Vol.8.3.4 The Interpretation of Double Taxation Conventions: Residence of Dual Resident and Temporarily Non-UK Resident Individuals - Robert Venables Q.C.
  7. OITR Vol.8.3.3 The Transfer Pricing Provisions and Benefits from Offshore Structures - Robert Venables Q.C.
  8. OITR Vol.8.3.2 Residence of Companies: The Real Management and Control Test - Robert Venables Q.C.
  9. OITR Vol.8.3.1 Golden Trusts: Action Prior to 6th April 1999 - Robert Venables Q.C.
  10. OITR Vol.8.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  11. OITR Vol.8.2.9 Capital Payments to Charities From Offshore Trusts - Robert Venables Q.C.
  12. OITR Vol.8.2.8 The European Commission's Proposal for A Directive on Taxation of Savings Income - Mark Robson
  13. OITR Vol.8.2.7 Capital Gains Tax - Non-Resident Trusts - Restrictions and Scope: An Outline Summary - Ralph Ray
  14. OITR Vol.8.2.6 The Source of Interest: A Practical, Hard Matter of Fact - Geoffrey Simpson FCA, FTII, TEP
  15. OITR Vol.8.2.5 The Abolition of ACT - Howard Nowlan
  16. OITR Vol.8.2.4 IHT: UK As A Tax Haven for Individuals Domiciled Abroad - Ralph Ray
  17. OITR Vol.8.2.3 The Taxation of Electronic Commerce - Derek Jenkins
  18. OITR Vol.8.2.2 Coupe De Monde Half Time: Jersey I - Guernsey 0 - Dr Raymond Ashton
  19. OITR Vol.8.2.1 Finance Act 1998 Section 130: Avoiding Mr Robinson's section - Stephen Brandon Q.C.
  20. OITR Vol.8.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  21. OITR Vol.8.1.9 The Territorial Source of Interest Payments - Alexander Thornton
  22. OITR Vol.8.1.8 Company Sales by Trustees and Restrictive Covenants by Target Company Directors - Christopher Cooke
  23. OITR Vol.8.1.7 Non-Domiciled UK Charities: Still Possible? - Geoffrey Simpson
  24. OITR Vol.8.1.6 Star Trusts - Professor David Hayton
  25. OITR Vol.8.1.5 The Isle of Man Limited Liability Company or LCC: Further Postscript: The Possibilities for Activity in Great Britain - Patrick Taylor
  26. OITR Vol.8.1.4 The Taxpayer's Tale - Professor Peter Willoughby
  27. OITR Vol.8.1.3 Foreign Companies and the Danger of Criminal Liability - Stephen Brandon Q.C.
  28. OITR Vol.8.1.2 UK Budget Update - Robert Venables Q.C.
  29. OITR Vol.8.1.1 'Tax Avoidance after IRC v Willoughby' - A Clarification - Robert Venables Q.C.
  30. OITR Vol.8.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

OITR Vol.8.2.2 Coupe De Monde Half Time: Jersey I – Guernsey 0 – Dr Raymond Ashton

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 18:33

OITR Vol.8.2.2  Coupe De Monde Half Time: Jersey I – Guernsey 0  –  Dr Raymond Ashton