Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. PTPR Vol.1.3.8 Demergers and Trusts - Christopher McCall Q.C.
  2. PTPR Vol.1.3.6 Reducing the Revenue's Interest in a Settlement - Kevin Prosser Q.C.
  3. PTPR Vol.1.3.10 The New Law of Domicile - Consequence of Inconsequence ? - Ralph P Ray FTII
  4. PTPR Vol.1.3.9 Inheritance Tax - Business Property Relief - Alasdair Benzie ATII, Solicitor
  5. PTPR Vol.1.3.7 Section 776 Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 - Adrian Shipwright
  6. PTPR Vol.1.3.5 Commorientes and Related Property - Peter Vaines FCA, Barrister
  7. PTPR Vol.1.3.4 Dependent Subsidiaries: A Problem of Definition - Alexander Pepper
  8. PTPR Vol.1.3.3 Holiday Let-Out - David Ewart
  9. PTPR Vol.1.3.2 Some Foreign Aspects of the Schedule E Accommodation Charge - Paul Matthews
  10. PTPR Vol.1.3.1 Security for Payment of Value Added Tax - Reginald S Nock LLM FTII and Yvonne M Metcalfe
  11. PTPR Vol.1.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  12. PTPR Vol.1.2.9 Letters to the Editors
  13. PTPR Vol.1.2.8 Do I Really have a Right of Appeal? - Roger Cockfield, Lecturer
  14. PTPR Vol.1.2.7 Ethical Guideline - A Reaction - Peter Vaines, FCA, Barrister
  15. PTPR Vol.1.1.6 GROB Avoidance by Interest in Possession Trust for Spouse - Robert Venables Q.C.
  16. PTPR Vol.1.2.6 "REAL VALUES" (2) The Aggregation of Interests when Valuing an Individual's Estate for the Purposes of Inheritance Tax - Alastair Hudson, Barrister
  17. PTPR Vol.1.2.5 When a Deed of Variation does not Vary - Robert Venables Q.C.
  18. PTPR Vol.1.2.4 The New Law of Domicile - James Kessler Q.C.
  19. PTPR Vol.1.2.3 Tools of Necessity, Knowledge by Scholarly Compulsion Smith v Abbott - Alastair Hudson, Barrister
  20. PTPR Vol.1.2.2 Withholding Tax and Payments to Authors - Adrian Shipwright
  21. PTPR Vol.1.2.1 Discretionary Trusts and Reservations of Benefit - Robert Venables Q.C.
  22. PTPR Vol.1.2. Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  23. PTPR Vol.1.1.10 "REAL VALUES" (1) The Aggregqtion of Interests when Valuing an Individual's Estate for the Purposes of Inheritance Tax - Alastair Hudson, Barrister
  24. PTPR Vol.1.1.9 Effective Waiver of Debts - Timothy Lyons Q.C.
  25. PTPR Vol.1.1.8 Mallalieu v Drummond - A Help or a Hindrance - Peter Vaines, FCA, Barrister
  26. PTPR Vol.1.1.7 Section 39A IHTA - Does it Work? - Robert Argles Barrrister
  27. PTPR Vol.1.1.5 House of Lords Spring Offside Trap An Analysis of the Case of Shilton v Wilmshurst - Andrew Thornhill Q.C. & David Ewart
  28. PTPR Vol..1.1.4 Monstrous Ex Gratia - Alastair Hudson, Barrister
  29. PTPR Vol.1.1.3 Rye v Rye Re-Visited - Hilda Wilson, Barrister
  30. PTPR Vol.1.1.2 When is a Settlement the Same Settlement? - Robert Venables Q.C.
  31. PTPR Vol.1.1.1 Tax Appeals: Judicial Review - Charles Potter Q.C. & Kevin Prosser Q.C.
  32. PTPR Vol.1.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

PTPR Vol.1.3.4 Dependent Subsidiaries: A Problem of Definition – Alexander Pepper

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 18:43

PTPR Vol.1.3.4  Dependent Subsidiaries: A Problem of Definition  –  Alexander Pepper