Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. PTPR Vol.10.3.5 Key Highlights of “Key Haven Oxford Conference 2005” - Reported by Ralph Ray
  2. PTPR Vol.10.3.4 Ultra Vires and all that - Keith M Gordon
  3. PTPR Vol.10.3.3 A Stealth Tax Introduced by Accountants? - Keith M Gordon
  4. PTPR Vol.10.3.2 Domicile in Federal States and the Concept of a UK Domicile - Peter Vaines
  5. PTPR Vol.10.3.1 Trust Management Expenses – and much more - Robert Venables Q.C.
  6. PTPR Vol.10.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  7. PTPR Vol.10.2.6 Key Highlights of “Trusts and Taxation Post Finance Bill 2005” - Reported by: Ralph Ray
  8. PTPR Vol.10.2.5 The Interaction of the Share Identification Rules with Taper Relief - Keith M Gordon
  9. PTPR Vol.10.2.4 Pre-Owned Assets – What is the Relevant Land? The Multi-Storey Problem - Stephen Yates
  10. PTPR Vol.10.2.3 Occupation of “Pre-Owned” Land under Schedule 15 to the Finance Act 2004 - Oliver Radley-Gardner
  11. PTPR Vol.10.2.2 Inheritance Tax: Valuing the Dead Spouse's Share - Francis Davey
  12. PTPR Vol.10.2.1 Tax Avoidance: Reflections on Lord Hoffmann’s Lecture in Honour of Professor Sir Roy Goode - Robert Venables Q.C.
  13. PTPR Vol.10.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  14. PTPR Vol.10.1.5 The Taxation of employee car benefits when the car is jointly owned - Keith M Gordon
  15. PTPR Vol.10.1.4 Main Residence Relief – The two-year time limit revisited - Keith M Gordon
  16. PTPR Vol.10.1.3 Pre-emption rights, ITEPA Part 7 Chapter 1 to 3 and current Revenue Policy and Practice - Christopher Lallemand
  17. PTPR Vol.10.1.2 Three Rivers and its implications for legal professional privilege - David Pievsky
  18. PTPR Vol.10.1.1 Edward Wolff (1) Bridgitte Evelyn Wolff (2) v Nicola Jocelyn Wolff& 5 Others - Karen Hepworth
  19. PTPR Vol.10.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

PTPR Vol.10.1.3 Pre-emption rights, ITEPA Part 7 Chapter 1 to 3 and current Revenue Policy and Practice – Christopher Lallemand

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 19:04

PTPR Vol.10.1.3  Pre-emption rights, ITEPA Part 7 Chapter 1 to 3 and current Revenue Policy and Practice  – Christopher Lallemand