Key Haven Publications Ltd publishes books on
Taxation, Trusts, Charities, Company Law, European Law, Channel Island Law, Comparitive Law and Constitutional Law.


  1. PTPR Vol.2.3.5 Should the Trust Draftsman Exclude the Apportionment Act 1870? - James Kessler Q.C.
  2. PTPR Vol.3.2.12 Letters to the Editors
  3. PTPR Vol.2.3.11 Section 787 ICTA 1988 - Artificial Payments of Interest - Philip Ridgway and Adam Francis
  4. PTPR Vol.2.3.10 Double Taxation Regulation Deathbed Repurchase Ploy - Robert Venables Q.C.
  5. PTPR Vol.2.3.9 The Income Tax Treatment of Irrevocable A&M Settlements - Robert Grierson, Barrister
  6. PTPR Vol.2.3.8 Gifts with Reservation - Two Problem Areas - Parts I & II - Robert Argles
  7. PTPR Vol.2.3.7 Gifts with Reseryation - Two Problem Areas - Parts I & II - Robert Argles
  8. PTPR Vol.2.3.6 Indirect Demergers - Trust Capital or Income? - Robert Venables Q.C.
  9. PTPR Vol.2.3.4 Vested or Contingent Interest? Some Practical Consequences - Shan Warnock-Smith
  10. PTPR Vol.2.3.3 Articles of Faith? - Michael B Squires FCA, FCCA, FTII, ATT
  11. PTPR Vol.2.3.2 Post-Death Variations: Some Inheritance Tax Aspects - Jeffrey Price, Barrister
  12. PTPR Vol.2.3.1 Living Accommodation - Michael McCormick
  13. PTPR Vol.2.3 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  14. PTPR Vol.2.2.10 Letters to the Editors
  15. PTPR Vol.2.2.9 Moodie v Inland Revenue Commissioners - Robert Venables Q.C.
  16. PTPR Vol.2.2.8 Discovery before the Tax Commissioners - Paul Matthews and Hodge M Malek
  17. PTRR Vol.2.2.7 Funded Unapproved Retirement Benefits Schemes - The Traps for the Unwary - Alexander Pepper
  18. PTPR Vol.2.2.6 The Ghosts of Settlements Past - Alastair Hudson
  19. PTPR Vol.2.2.5 Tax Saving Through (Stock) Dividends - Kevin Prosser Q.C.
  20. PTPR Vol.2.2.4 The No Bounty f'ormula - Supplemental Thoughts - Jeremy Heal, Solicitor
  21. PTPR Vol.2.2.3 Schedule E - Benefits in Kind - Nigel Eastaway
  22. PTPR Vol.2.2.2 Pepper v Hart: Reflections - Peter Vaines FCA, Barrister
  23. PTPR Vol.2.2 Fronts - Contents - Editorial
  24. PTPR Vol.2.2.1 Purchase of Own Shares from Trustee Shareholders - Stephen Allcock QC & Julian Ghosh Q.C.
  25. PTPR Vol.2.1.12 A Euro-Pitfall - Hilda Wilson, Barrister
  26. PTPR Vol.2.1.11 When is a Group Not a Group? - Stephen Brandon Q.C.
  27. PTPR Vol.2.1.10 Demergers & Trusts: Further Thoughts - Julian Ghosh
  28. PTPR Vol.2.1.9 Aspects of the Tax Treatment of Service Charges - Jeffrey Price, Barrister
  29. PTPR Vol.2.1.8 Section 419 Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 - Michael Jump, Barrister
  30. PTPR Vol.2.1.7 The Borders of Retirement Relief - Stephen Allcock Q.C.
  31. PTPR Vol.2.1.6 Trust Drafting: The Way Ahead - James Kessler Q.C.
  32. PTPR Vol.2.1.5 If the Cap Fitz: Fitzpatrick v IRC (No 2) - Alastair Hudson, Barrister
  33. PTPR Vol.2.1.4 Capital Gains Tax & Personal Insolvency - Hugh McKay, Barrister
  34. PTPR Vol.2.1.3 Capital Gains Tax Main Residence Relief: The Election - Matthew Hutton
  35. PTPR Vol.2.1.2 Relief for Interest Paid - Peter Vaines FCA, Barrister
  36. PTPR Vol.2.1.1 The No Bounty Formula - A Sensible Safety-Valve? - David Tovey
  37. PTPR Vol.2.1 Fronts - Contents - Editorial

PTPR Vol.2.2.5 Tax Saving Through (Stock) Dividends – Kevin Prosser Q.C.

Written by developer on 03/09/2024 18:47

PTPR Vol.2.2.5  Tax Saving Through (Stock) Dividends  –  Kevin Prosser Q.C.